Archive for April, 2008

Ah surveys, one of the oldest weapons in the PR arsenal. And the media love them too – if you can find a headline to tickle their fancy. After a quick search, I’ve found out that 19% of millionaires don’t feel wealthy, 8% of drivers have had an accident on the school-run and that Germans […]

Some people must watch their incoming links like hawks… only hours after adding to my blogroll, Steven Davis Stephen Davies has outed social PRobiotic to the twitter community. I, of course, claimed that my thunder had been stolen, but I’m actually very glad he did. Having read this post about the three type of twitter users, I found myself vowing […]

I’ve blogged elsewhere about the bad taste that email is leaving in our collective mouths, so I find it odd that Brand Republic is conceding so easily the news that 150bn emails are deleted without being read every year. Yes spam emails are better for the environment than direct marketing (DM), and there are more […]

Rumours abound that several ex-Google employees are working on a social search service dubbed the mechanical zoo. With the explosion of social content hitting the web in the form of microblogging, photosharing, and mass communication through social networks, one significant challenge has been tracking the conversations taking place on these platforms. While siloed search engines […]

A few years ago, we’d never heard of Yakult or the other probiotic drinks and yoghurts that seem to be a part of every day life. But they’ve come a long way in a short time, even making it into the Office of National Statistics’ average shopping basket. It’s funny how those things that may seem to have limited […]